Sunday, January 18, 2009

A Teenagers Mind is A Terrible Thing

On the way to church this morning my Husband tells me about a conversation between him and Skater Boy. They where at a customers house on Friday installing a new banister. Skater Boy was having a hard time getting the pole in the holes so my husband says to him is your rod a little stiff. Well my son lost it.

As you can see we need to be more careful about the things we say and how we say them in my house.

Friday, January 16, 2009

I remembered another one. I was vaccuming the stairs after Christmas the garland had left a HUGE mess.

Mom: Skater Boy can you take the vacuum cleaner canister and dump it in the trash can and then bang it on the side of the trash can.

Skater Boy: What do you want me to do?

Mom: Dump it in the trash and then bang it on the side.

Skater Boy: What do you want me to do? HEHE

Mom: (in a not so nice voice because I don't get it) Dump it in the trash and then bang it on the side!!!!

Skater Boy: My Mom wants me to bang it. (HAHAHAHAHAHAHA) As he is walking away.

Who would have thought that chores could be dirty. HAHAHAHAHA

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Things you should think twice about saying before you say it around teenagers....

In the car with my Girls pulling up to the drive-thru at Sonic, Christmas time and there was a present on the rocks getting wet from the rain outside.

Me: The package is getting wet.
My Girls: That so gross mom.

My DS she tells her boys that she likes a lot of nuts on her balls(cheese balls).

Kids are all the balls in the car!

As I remember some of the others I will share them.