Saturday, December 27, 2008

Family Traditions

For as long as I can remember my Grandma Hunter has always made me something for Christmas. As an adult I now realize how truely special her gifts were, even though I wasn't always so greatful for them. As a kid her gifts weren't exactly what I wanted or expected- For instance, one year my sister and I wanted some Jordache Jeans, but instead recieved homemade jeans instead (but who could tell the difference right?). Unfortunately, this year is my first Christmas without her, and my first Christmas without my homemade gift. Through this holiday season I have realized though that even though my Grandma is gone, there is one gift from her that is still here. My Grandma gave the gift of a Family tradition to our family. Each year our family exchanges a homemade ornament, and now we do so in rememberance of our late Grandma. Here are a few of our ornaments that have been exchanged over the years;

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Merry Christmas!
My wonderful Mother got our family a new camera for Christmas(but it is really mine shhhhhh don"t tell anyone). This is the family apearing at 6:15 am they are very excited to go down stairs to open gifts not very excited about me taking pictures and making them wait. And of course Team Jacob has put on her make up. She wants to look her best for pictures.

Friday, December 5, 2008

Picture Day at the Park

Here are some pictures that my WONDERFUL COUSINS to last week for us. They did a great job and the pictures turned out so beautiful. I want to share some of the humorous ones though because it was like watching a three ring circus, trying to get everyone to look at the cameras and not each other. Do you think my girls love the camera!